training your staff will love & use

The go-to manual handling training for mining & industry

The Onsite Coach difference?

injuries often occur due to sloppy movement & lifestyle factors

Weightlifters teaching Manual Handling… It just makes sense

The onsite coach system

  • Book a call

    15min call to see if The Onsite Coach is right for you.

  • Get an onsite assessment

    We come to you and see your people at work to learn the unique needs of your staff & develop a training package tailored to you.

  • face to face training

    Hands-on workshops, engaging your people with a personalised approach to your manual handling.

  • Online Training

    Access to manual handling and workplace recovery resources available on any mobile device.

‘using weightlifting knowledge and recovery, preventing injury onsite’

If your staff hate the training, chances are they won’t use it EITHER.

Our Training

Instead of simply ticking the compliance box, why not invest in training and support that your staff will not only love, but will actually use?

Toolboxes don’t have to be theoretical, boring or a chore. The Onsite Coach point of difference is that we make looking after your staff practical, fun and tailored for your business.

Your coach is there to offer:

  • Weekly Toolbox attendance and check-ins

  • 24/7 staff care phone support

  • Mediation and mentoring

  • Team building

  • Manual handling and self care training.

  • Occupational sitting and standing strategies.

  • Worksite recovery techniques


Go from this:

  • Lost hours in productivity

  • High staff turnover due to injury or mental health

  • Time and headache in training new staff

  • Lacking expertise and process in lifting practices

  • Cost and time involved in training staff

  • Boring, cookie cutter toolboxes and training not tailored to your business

  • Just ticking the “compliance box”


  • Less workplace injury and workers comp

  • Decrease in staff conducting light duties

  • Confidence that you’ve done more than just tick the boxes

  • Know that your team are competent, safe, healthy and strong

  • Learn how to build a culture of safe lifting techniques and self care within your team

  • Know that your new team members are properly trained and inducted

  • Customised training for YOUR equipment


Create a TEAM CULTURE AROUND SAFE manual handling strateGIES AND SELF CARE that your team will love (and use)

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Schedule a call with us

No obligations, just a chance to chat on the phone and learn more about your team and your business.

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We visit your site

We come to you and observe your workplace culture and manual handling practices. This is where we learn the unique needs of your staff, your training and how to best serve you and your business.

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your Onsite ASSESSMENT Delivered

This individualised training plan includes a detailed summary and action plan with feedback and tips to move your business forward. From here, we make recommendations for further training and packages with us.


What’s included in your Onsite ASSESSMENT

We can provide you with:

  • A detailed SWOT analysis with a solutions focus to your manual handling and staff care.

  • CUSTOMISED Onsite workshops and toolbox talks







Our training is easily replicated for new staff and builds a safe and relatable approach to your Work Health Safety culture.


the online coach

Save time and reduce injury to new staff with our videos created just for you in The Online OC. After our Onsite Assessment, we can create custom training videos with our coaches talking through the techniques used for lifting your equipment.


Cost-effective, longer term solution for training

  • Increase productivity and decrease time spent off the tools

  • Perfect for inducting new staff and retraining existing staff

  • Customised for your equipment

  • Videos are available 24/7, just login to access!

  • Accessible on all devices


Meet your coach

As a qualified strength and conditioning coach Guy uses his experience coaching and training to provide a well-rounded approach to motivating people to become better versions of themselves. Also a qualified tradesperson as a scaffolder and rooftiler, Guy later became a counsellor working in residential Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation. Seconded by Housing NSW to work with Mental health, housing women and children escaping domestic violence.

No stranger to confrontation It is said that “Guy has a unique way of using a chainsaw as if it were a surgeon using a scalpel” He has the ability to reach a wide range of people from diverse backgrounds in a short time.

Over 15 years experience in the Strength and Conditioning Industry as a Personal Trainer and weightlifting Coach, he understands the importance of manual handling in all day to day tasks from both a trade and trainers perspective.

Dedicated to personal development in all forms of Strength and Conditioning, often seeking new strategies to apply to self care and manual handling. With credentials in Workplace Training and Assessment. We can begin to implement strategies to providing new procedures relevant to your industry.



"Injury prevention is about being proactive instead of reactive, building capacity and minimizing risks. This is essential for safety, longevity and staff wellbeing. Guy focuses on building the foundations for safe lifting,bracing and modifying loads to reduce injury and improve work-based performance.”

Dr Aaron Hennessy
Occupational Therapist and Sports Chiropractor


We did 2, 1 day events in our Sydney and Newcastle scaffolding locations. The response from the men was amazing. Guy's ability to simulate activities to what our men really go through in their day was amazing. As a result of this training our men are constantly on the watch for their team mates not lifting correctly. They are actively stretching and using their legs instead of their backs. Guy’s tailor-made course has really helped us achieve maximum productivity with minimal injury. I would totally recommend Guy to any employer that is trying to avoid injury in the work place and nasty workcover premiums.

MILTON YOUNG - managing director

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The Team had a fantastic time learning not only how to move well and to be able to identify how to self assess their own movement going forward. Guy’s ability to engage with each individual and his knowledge of movement really instilled confidence in everyone and his relaxed & easy going nature made for a very enjoyable experience. I would highly recommend Guy and his Team for your Workplace Injury Prevention.



Overlooked but so important - working in the roastery involves a fair amount of manual handling. Whether it’s moving around a coffee sack or putting 3-7kg in the hopper, it’s important to take every lift seriously.

Yesterday we had @theonsitecoachfrom @thecoalfacegym come to teach us about correct lifting techniques. Invaluable training for the whole team. On a personal note: I have never attempted to lift one of these bags